Mar 10, 2011 - Sale 2239

Sale 2239 - Lot 122

Estimate: $ 300 - $ 400
(SLAVERY AND ABOLITION.) TRUTH, SOJOURNER. [FAUSET, ARTHUR HUFF.] Sojourner Truth. In Memoriam (1883-1933), celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of her passing. Typed ribbon copy, 12 pages on rectos only; paper evenly toned; several holograph corrections, and overtyping. Np, 1933

Additional Details

Arthur Huff Fauset (1899-1983), folklorist and educator was born in Flemington, New Jersey. He was the half-brother of author/novelist Jesse Fauset. A frequent contributor to Opportunity Magazine, his work appears in many of the Harlem Renaissance collections such as "Black Opals," and "Fire." The present biographical piece appeared in the Enquirer and Evening News, Battle Creek, November 26, 1933. That article accompanies this piece.